Chase Glass introduces his original "HoneySnatcher Goblin" concept, which combines fantasy and creativity. The goblin character is brought to life with vibrant colors and intricate details. The goblin's bright blue body and yellow honeycomb patterns create a visually captivating contrast. This color palette adds depth and dimension to the piece, making it stand out as a work of art. The goblin is designed with attention to detail, featuring sharp fangs, claws, and a wide wingspan.
While the Blue HoneySnatcher Goblin is a stunning piece of art, it also serves a functional purpose. The detachable scepter, which doubles as a dab tool, adds a practical element to the artwork. Chase Glass's creation adds an element of playfulness to the world of glass art. Glass art enthusiasts and collectors will appreciate the uniqueness and originality of the Blue HoneySnatcher Goblin. It's a collectible piece that stands out in any collection.
Joint Type:
- 14mm/Female
- 90° Angle
Glass Type:
- Scientific Borosilicate
- Colored Glass
Physical Size:
- Height: Approximately 6.25"
- Width: Approximately 5.5"
- Length: Approximately 5.25"
- (1) Chase Glass: Blue HoneySnatcher Goblin
- (1) Chase Glass: Scepter Dab Tool