Explore the enchanting world of Hootie's Forest Spinner Cap by Empire Glassworks – a captivating piece meticulously crafted with lampwork and borosilicate glass. This intricately detailed cap boasts a unique forest design, making it a standout accessory that adds a touch of nature to your dab sessions. Designed with a spinner function, the Hootie's Forest Spinner Cap also includes a Mushroom Terp Pearl, enhancing your dabbing experience with dynamic movement. The spinner function adds an interactive element, allowing you to control airflow and concentrate distribution during your sessions. With a height of 1.6" and a width of 2", this spinner cap is compact yet visually striking. The weight of 42 grams adds to the substantial feel of this individually handcrafted art piece. Each cap is a unique creation, showcasing the skill and artistry of Empire Glassworks. Immerse yourself in the forest-inspired beauty of Hootie's Forest Spinner Cap, a must-have addition to your dabbing accessories. Elevate your sessions with the enchanting design and functional spinner feature, making each dabbing experience a journey into the heart of nature. Indulge in the artful craftsmanship of Empire Glassworks and unlock the beauty of the forest with Hootie's Forest Spinner Cap – a distinctive and captivating piece for the connoisseur seeking both aesthetic appeal and interactive functionality in their collection. |