The Glow-In-The-Dark Honey Straw Kit is a unique and convenient set for enjoying your favorite concentrates, even in the dark. The silicone material used in the honey straw has a luminous quality, allowing it to emit a continuous glow in low-light conditions. This kit includes essential components for a complete dabbing experience, such as the nectar collector, a titanium tip, glass bowl attachment, glass dab dish, and a silicone dab container (11ML). The titanium tip and glass bowl attachment provide versatility, allowing you to choose your preferred method of consuming concentrates. With the added feature of glowing in the dark, this honey straw kit not only offers functionality but also adds a fun and visually appealing element to your dab sessions. Enjoy the convenience and unique glow-in-the-dark experience with the 6" Glow-In-The-Dark Honey Straw Kit! |
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