Dive into a whimsical world where Super Mario takes on a stoned persona, featuring a half-green face with a weed leaf replacing the "M" in his hat, set against a speckled red and white amanita muscaria style pattern that drips onto the outer sides of the grinder. Crafted from high-quality aluminum alloy, this 4-piece grinder boasts a 3-chamber system designed to make the most of your green buds. The compact 2" size adds a cute and lightweight touch, providing an efficient way to grind, travel, and indulge in your herbs. Included in the package are an extra cleaning brush and a triangular pollen scraper, ensuring that the Gotoke: Mario Herb Grinder is not only easy to use but also cooler than ever. Embrace the playful design and functionality of this unique herb grinder, making your herb preparation ritual a delightful and whimsical experience. |