The Rick Spoon Pipe by Gotoke is a must-have for fans of the beloved animated series "Rick & Morty." This miniature masterpiece is not only a functional smoking accessory but also a collectible piece that pays homage to the show's iconic characters. Crafted from strong and sturdy thick glass material, this spoon pipe is designed to withstand the test of time. Its durability ensures that it remains unbreakable, making it the perfect companion for your smoking adventures. One standout feature of this mini Rick spoon pipe is the presence of three carb holes on the base part. These carb holes offer convenient air inhalation, enhancing your smoking experience and allowing for smoother hits. With its exquisite appearance and compact 4.25-inch size, this pipe is not only lightweight but also easy to carry – making it an ideal travel companion. Whether you're on the go or enjoying a relaxing session at home, this pipe promises to deliver convenience and satisfaction. |
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