Embark on a prehistoric smoking adventure with the Mini Dino T-Rex, a charming 6.5" small glass bong shaped like a lovable dinosaur. Available in either blue or green, this playful piece brings a touch of whimsy to your smoking sessions while delivering a smooth and enjoyable experience. Equipped with a standard diffuser downstem percolator, the Mini Dino T-Rex ensures enhanced filtration for a more satisfying smoke. In the lower chamber, the diffuser downstem allows water to bubble and diffuse, creating a cooler and smoother hit. The smoke then travels through the dino's body, reaching the mouthpiece conveniently located at the nose of the dinosaur. Functioning akin to a beaker bong, the Mini Dino T-Rex features a splash guard at the neck of the dino, preventing water from reaching your mouth during hits. Elevate your smoking routine with this delightful and compact piece that combines fun design with effective filtration. |
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