Embark on a cosmic journey with the 4-Piece SharpShred Grinder (Space Xhale) by V-Syndicate, where Elon Musk takes center stage against the backdrop of a neon-lit futuristic city, joint in hand. This grinder isn't just an accessory; it's a visual spectacle straight from the stratosphere. The Space Xhale 4-Piece SharpShred Grinder is designed to elevate your smoking sessions to new heights. Equipped with razor-sharp teeth, this grinder effortlessly cuts through any herb on Earth, ensuring a finely ground product for your enjoyment. The durable pollen screen and two mini scrapers add functionality to this out-of-this-world grinder. Available in both 55mm and 63mm sizes, the Space Xhale grinder caters to your preferences, allowing you to choose the perfect fit for your cosmic adventures. Immerse yourself in the futuristic aesthetic while enjoying the practical features that make this grinder a must-have for enthusiasts who crave both style and functionality. |