The YoCan UNI Pro is a 510-threaded dab vaporizer in a box-shape that takes customization to new heights with its adjustable voltage output, offering precise control over your cartridge dabbing experience. At the heart of the UNI Pro's adaptability is its unique ability to accommodate virtually any vaporizer cartridge on the market, thanks to adjustable height and width settings. With an intuitive adjustment dial and sliding lever, matching any cartridge, regardless of length or diameter, becomes effortless, allowing for a seamless and discreet fit within the device's recessed 510 connection tunnel. Variable voltage settings are another standout feature, enabling fine-tuning adjustments in 0.1V increments within a range of 2.0-4.2V. This flexibility ensures compatibility with a wide array of tanks, allowing users to customize their vaping experience to their exact preferences. Constructed from durable zinc-alloy, the UNI Pro is built to last, housing an integrated 650mAh rechargeable battery that supports extended vaping sessions. The intuitive firing button, complemented by two adjustment buttons and an OLED display screen, offers an effortless navigation experience. The patented adjustable atomizer height/diameter settings, alongside the magnetic 510 threaded adapter, LED battery life indicator light, and juice viewing window, further elevate the device's functionality. |